The Clashing of Cultures

Oil and water do not mix…

There are times when you are in a work situation and/ or a personal situation where you will have to condescend to another person’s way of thinking. This enables you to build a bridge of relationship with the person in order for them to ascend to your way of thinking. Hopefully your mode of thinking has been renewed where you are only speaking His words, desiring His ways and doing His pleasures…

We are in a time where we must ascend to a higher way of thinking….

We are also in a time where we must think outside the box…

The current marketplace culture is clashing with the culture of “TRUTH.” In addition our past occurrences, shortcomings and mistakes and even our upbringing is clashing with the culture of “TRUTH.”The “TRUTH” of the matter is that we are a creative people. Topics and information that have been published in a textbook was a true for a particular individual. A group of individuals  then accepted it as a true for a specific period of time which in real reality was merely an accepted theory proven to research and analysis. FACTS…

But facts change with the days of the week…

We are now in the season where our mode of thinking must change…. For those who are trailblazers this is always a “TRUTH.”

Next Blog: Practical Time Management Tips

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