FREE Virtual Cultural Diversity Training


We’re doing FREE cultural diversity training the first Thursday of every month via Zoom at 7pm CST.

It’s time.

Cultural diversity training is needed now and is going to be needed in the future. Our intolerance of cultural differences has come to the surface. Now is the time to examine the ideas and philosophies that have produced walls of division instead of bridges that connect.

Our Goal

To evolve our narrative and behavior from what we are in relation to race/ethnicity, gender and social groups to whom we are as humans

Our Objectives

✅ To combat cultural prejudices and stereotypes

✅ To become culturally sensitive and competent

✅ Identify limiting beliefs that have become walls instead of bridges.

Let’s Build!

All are welcome!

Participants will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the training.

Fill out the contact form below to reserve your seat.